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Tuesday, March 16, 2004
How to LiePennsylvania is a battleground state, and so we are subjected to a barrage of political advertising already; $200,000,000 and more from the Bush camp and who knows how much from the 'independent' political organizations. Kerry gives us much of the same production, an on-the-cheap imitation; he's The Bachelor to Bush's Survivor.There is a better way. We don't have to be subjected to thinly veiled accusations from a third-party that, for tax reasons, is unaffiliated with the candidate their commercial wants you to vote for. We have seen quite enough of the Omniscient Narrator, of the menacing black & white still of The Other Guy, of the Big Bold Bullet Point showing just how many times The Other Guy voted to cut senior citizens and give money to evildoers; we do not ever want to hear the question posed, "Do you really want to vote for a man like John Kerry/Al Gore/John McCain?" Never again. I am not old enough to remember Ronald Reagan's campaign commercials. I have heard a story, though, that the Gipper would sit down in front of a camera, look into the lens (and our souls) and talk about things. Why we should vote for him, I imagine, he probably lied a lot. As politicians do. It sounds wonderful. Maybe I'm reading things into what I've only heard of as a legend, but I can imagine a better way: FADE IN: A clip from a campaign ad. Any ad. After five seconds,CUT TO: John Kerry, looking directly at the camera.KERRY: We've all seen ads like this. Insinuation, innuendo, cheap shots. Both sides have done ads like this. Well, no more. I'm not going to let some Political Action Committee do my work for me. My name is John Kerry, and I am going to take the next thirty seconds and talk to you about why I am the best choice for President. FADE TO: Kerry is sitting in a chair in a well-furnished, cozy room. Still looking at the camera, but from slightly farther back. More gentle.KERRY: (Any twenty second pitch about why Kerry is good and Bush is not. Film several.) CUT TO: Kerry, outside and casually dressed.KERRY: Find out more. In (state), I have officers (somewhere). Visit us. Visit my website at www.johnkerry.com. And remember to vote. I'm John Kerry, for President. FADE OUT. |