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Friday, August 26, 2005
Pat's Pancakes
So: It will be a slow blogging day, because I'll be spending the bulk of the day packing up boxes for the office move next week. Here's the good news: while the movers are doing there thing next week, it will be a safety hazard to come in to the office. So as long as we've got our cell phones on and aren't too far away from the office, we'll be counted as "working." The upshot of all this?
Next week I will spend my time hanging out at the National Gallery of Art and blogging at the Library of Congress, and I will be getting paid to do so. God bless the United States of America. Have a good weekend, folks, and if you're wondering what to serve for breakfast, how about Pat's Age-Defying Protein Pancakes? Too bad those pancakes aren't stupidity-defying! - Aunt Jemima in UT. Glad to see my tax dollars finally paying for something useful. - GUYPost a Comment |