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Bad. Really, Fucking BadIt renders one speechless... And Now for Something Completely DifferentI'd like... Compare & ContrastI picked up the May 10th issue o... Wedding BellsOn May 17, by order of the state supr... The blimp which was up until this moment a fun toy... Liar - er, Labor DepartmentHere's something from w... Election (un)RealityI've just read Daniel Drezner'... Bad TimingThe New Republic reports on the 9/11 Com... Casablanca IIIThe Nation has David Corn's piece on... My New CynicismHere's Noam Scheiber, on why Bush i...
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Thursday, May 06, 2004
Witty and Insightful©This is a large part of the academic profession: to make up complex, subtle arguments that are childishly ridiculous but are enveloped in sufficient profundity that they take on a kind of plausibility. Noam Chomsky