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Friday, February 11, 2005
1000 Words©
Today I have been the victim of a SNAFU of truly preposterous proportions. The RA on my dorm was in a hideously bad mood for reasons that are beyond my ken. She dro...
On second thought, it's a very boring story of paperwork and bureaucracy keeping me from seeing a movie with a friend of mine. Nothing special about that, and I long ago took a vow to keep this blog from being angsty. So here's something uplifting: There is a secret subway running from the Capitol building in Washington, D.C., to the senate office buildings. It's only for Senators and their staff. It would be a violation of national security if some civilian were able to sneak on this subway. And since I'm not in the habit of posting pictures of myself violating national security on this web page, just pretend the photo below doesn't exist. |