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Wednesday, August 31, 2005
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The Onion:
WASHINGTON, DC—A genie freed from a battered oil lamp by Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia granted the conservative jurist a strict constructionist interpretation of his wish for "a hundred billion bucks" Monday. "Sim sim salabim! Your wish is my command!" the genie proclaimed amid flashes of light and purple smoke, immediately filling the Supreme Court building with a massive herd of wild male antelopes. When Justice Scalia complained that the "bucks" had razed the U.S. Supreme Court building, trampling and killing several of his clerks and bringing traffic in the nation's capital to a standstill for hours, the genie said, "Your honor, your wish is a sacred and unalterable document whose interpretation is not subject to the whims of society and changing social context."

I dont think it is fair to blame the antelope for traffic congestion in DC. - UT driver
Posted by Anonymous Anonymous @ 7:00 PM
And instead of nominating John Roberts, Bush should have nominated JULIA Roberts - "Hollywood Hossenfeffer"
Posted by Anonymous Anonymous @ 1:11 PM
Dan Hedaya should play Scalia in the movie. - UT Casting Director
Posted by Anonymous Anonymous @ 4:37 PM
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