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Monday, August 22, 2005
So, were you having a good day? Perhaps getting the work week off to a nice good start?
Well, Suzanne Nossel won't stand for that: There is genuine uncertainty over whether, at this point, there’s anything the U.S can do to turn things around in Iraq. Kevin Drum suggests that the only reason to hesitate in calling for a pull out is the fear of looking weak. As we debate what’s next, though, its worth considering what the consequences of a failed Iraq will be. Iraq may not even wind up being a state at all but two or three states. If that happens they might all fail. But that may actually be the most likely outcome. - GUY The question is no longer if we withdraw from Iraq, but HOW we withdraw. Withdrawl from the drug of power and control, like withdrawl from any drug, will be painful. - Sober in UTPost a Comment |