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Tuesday, October 04, 2005
Country Roads©
The latest from the Mountain State:
Rep. Shelley Moore Capito said today she will not challenge Sen. Robert Byrd next year for a U.S. Senate seat, but instead will try to keep her high-profile position in the House of RepresentativesSo, without wanting to sound flippant, Robert Byrd just won an unprecedented ninth term in the Senate. (Of course, all predictions regarding Byrd must have an accompanying proviso to the effect that there may be peremptory shuffling off of the mortal coil.) Shelley (at right, thinking "usually Ted Kennedy is the one staring at my boobs") must have read my suggestion that she wait until Byrd dies and avoid a bare-knuckle brawl on the national stage right now. Well, either that or she's simply not stupid. I'm going to assume it's the former in order to pump up my ego. Meanwhile, over at GOP central, we can only assume that Ken Mehlman and Elizabeth Dole are re-evaluating where they want to put their campaign cash. Yay! Is Capito a DeadHead? Look at that dress. - UT Deadhead WV doesn't need Moore Capito, it needs less Capito! - Likes Caputo's better in SLC "The important thing is to not stop questioning," - Albert Einstein. -- Einstonian in UT At least Capito has a BS in Zoology. But how come she named her kids: Charles, Moore and Shelley? A bit odd, don't ya think? - Matheson constituent Yeah, whats up; why no posts for a week. Are you having too much fun with real life? - UTjjFrogPost a Comment |