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Saturday, February 04, 2006
I have found the geekiest thing in the universe. It's geekier than the Star Trek wiki. It's geekier than Penny Arcade! It's the "Which Federal Rule of Civil Procedure Are You?" quiz! Holy Bat Pancakes!
YOU ARE 28 UNITED STATES CODE SECTION 1332!Take note, Emily, Queen of the Unusual Internet Quiz (like this one): I don't know what Rule of Civil Procedure you are, but I'll bet large amounts of money you aren't anything in Title V! Because Title V is boring. It's the administrative personnel stuff, and I had to study parts of it for work. It's the most boring title in the Code of Federal Regulations, and you know that's stiff competition. The only interesting title is Title IX, which is actually a John LeCarre novel that Dennis Hastert liked so much, he slipped it into the '03 defense appropriations bill. Speaking of geeks, saw "Match Point" last night. Good movie, best in sometime by Woody, but not up there with his very best. - UT critic A VERY HIGHLY recommended (by me) book to read: "The Shadow of the Wind" by Carlos Ruiz Zafon. - UT book lover I'm rule 11; and yes it is pretty geekanian. - UT 11Post a Comment |