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Thursday, November 10, 2005
ElectionsWere Those Today?
- National
No, really, did some sort of election just happen?
- Virginia
Congratulations to the big winner in the governor's race: outgoing Governor Mark Warner's presidential aspirations.
However, we can't dismiss winning Democrat Tim Kaine, no matter how tempting it must be for the folks at The Corner, as simply riding his successors coat-tails to victor. Kaine's campaign focused on substantive issues: transportation, early child care, fiscal responsibility (it's our issue now, GOPers, and if you've got a problem with that, stop going to Grover Norquist's luncheons). Kaine's victory address:"We proved that Virginians want a governor who puts partisanship aside," Kaine told an ecstatic crowd of supporters at the Richmond Marriott Ballroom on Broad Street around 11 p.m. "We proved that people are more interested in fiscal responsibility than ideological bickering." By contrast, the victory of Republican Bill Bolling for Lieutenant Governor came in a race that was much more of the Christians v. Commies dynamic a certain White House Deputy Chief of Staff would like every race to be about. Kaine proves we can get above that crap.
- California & Ohio
First, mad props to California for sticking it to Schwarzenegger eight times. Also for voting down Proposition 73, which would have required parental notification when a minor seeks an abortion. Only a very blue state would endorse the idea that parents do not own their children.
The long-term issue was redistricting reform. Both California and Ohio had ballot initiatives that would have moved the responsibility for drawing congressional districts from the state legislatures to independent panels or councils. The failure of those initiatives is being called, in the better D.C. circles, a failure for the people and a victory for misleading campaign ads. However, both initiatives had serious flaws that were easily apparent to observers at the state level, which is why the Cali-based blog Phoblographer* and the Ohio blog Democracy Guy are such essential reading.
(The Phoblographer* was my boss during part of the 2004 campaign in West Virginia.)
- New York City
Republican Mayor Michael Bloomberg handily won re-election and Democrats like Hillary Clinton lined up to congratulate him. Because why the hell not?
- Dover, Pennsylvania
The now-infamous ID trial is taking place in Harrisburg. However, Jason Zengerle recently wrote for TNR thatback in Dover, away from the glare of national attention, the intelligent design issue is not so theoretical. Instead of dueling experts, it pits neighbor against neighbor. And, instead of a judge, it will be regular citizens who issue a ruling, when, on November 8, they go to the polls to cast their votes in the school board race. Well, in the very best news of the election, the voters in Dover ousted all but one of the nine school board members. Because the people of Dover, PA, as red-state as it gets, rock hard core:"I don't think the attitude of including intelligent design was right. It's not part of science education, and it was poorly handled," said Charles Reed, 59. He added with a twinkle: "They underestimated the intelligence of voters."
And with that good news, I'm off to Gotham to celebrate Armistice Day with Michael Bloomberg. Okay, Veterans Day on the same island as Michael Bloomberg. But they never should have changed Armistice Day, and I recall reading somewhere that Bloomberg painted the town red during the 2004 GOP convention. Or maybe that was John McCain. Anyhoodles, have a good weekend.
Pat Robertson has told the people of Dover PA not to turn to God if they have a disaster because He won't be there. One thing is certain, Pat Robertson is not a Christian. - Also a non-Christian in UT
Posted by @ 7:33 PM And Michael Sessions, 18, was elected mayor of Hillsdale, MI (pop. 9,000). The city has no offices, so the mayor plans to use his bedroom as his office. Bill Clinton is wondering why he didn't think of that. - Michigander in UT
Posted by @ 7:42 PM
Posted by @ 12:09 PM
I saw Warner on TV this morning (Face the Nation). He sounded good, but there is a long way to go. - Click and Clack Fan in UT
Posted by @ 12:41 PM I'll bet NYC was almost as exciting as SLC. - Salt Laker
Posted by @ 10:23 AM