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Thursday, May 12, 2005
Having grown up under the watchful parental eyes of the Utah legislatureWe know what's good for you.™I sympathize with those poor souls who are legislated upon by the Texas Lege, as Molly Ivins calls 'em, a group who have banned cheerleading of a suggestive nature, a term which here means whatever your local wing-nut superintendant damn well wants it to mean.
The unkind things that can be said about the Ledge are legion and wrranted. But The Onion puts it best: If we outlawed everything some people find offensive, there wouldn't even be a Texas in the first place. Got to love TX. Don't feel bad - this "issue" has been in the news in Utah. There will likely be legislation proposed in the next session. UT can "outwhacko" TN & TX put together! Our license plates should say "The Greatest 'DOH' on Earth." GUYPost a Comment |