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Friday, July 01, 2005
It's rather ironic that the departure of the Supreme Court's most even-handed, reasonable Justice is the event that is going to inaugurate the most partisan, vicious, and bloody nomination in the history of the Supreme Court.
But as Kathryn Lopez at National Review points out, "This is all just buzz/prediction stuff among people whose bizness it is to think about these things." (I wonder if every time the good folks at NRO write something worthwhile, they're required to put in some annoying grammar, like spelling "business" all X-treme.) In other words, while everything we've seen certainly would lead us to expect a brawl of a confirmation, we can't be sure about anything until someone is actually nominated. So I'm going to wait until then to post anything about this. In fact, I'm going to wait until then to post anything at all. Having a real, y'kno, job, has been sapping my energy lately, and I've been finding it difficult to post consistently. Since the president has announced that he won't name a replacement for O'Connor until he returns from the G-8 summit next week, I figure it's a good time to take a break from blogging and cleanse myself over the holiday weekend. Still gotta see Land of the Dead and catch up on Battlestar: Galactica. I'll see you all after the 4th of July, when the real fireworks show begins. (By the way, my prediction: whoever he ends up choosing, the president will soon say to Condi or Karl, "Taft was on the Supreme Court. Why can't I nominate poppy?" If he hasn't said it already.) politics smolitics..here on the West Coast we are all in an uproar over stoopid Tom C. Like he really knows what goes on between Brooke and her genes... Since you already live in DC, wouldn't it be convenient to appoint YOU to the Supreme Court? I don't suppose Bush is smart enough to do that. I am going to the REAL v Metrostars game on July 4 with fireworks afterwards at Rice Eccles Stad. GUY By the way, its sabbatical, GUY no pearls of wisdom from one of my fav cousins for sooooo long?! that is just plain mean. enjoy the time honey, work is a drag I'll admit. you should plan another trip to seattle for dec 23 to 27! Speaking of trips, whats the deal with you and Salt Lake AND Detroit? GUYPost a Comment |