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Monday, November 21, 2005
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Being a secretary entails being prepared for the unusual. Today I helped a gentlemen secure employment at The Brookings Institution.
I feel unclean. Oh, I'm moving into an apartment tomorrow morning. Independence and all that, for the first time, really. Milestone in my life, new experiences, blah blah blah fishcakes. I'll try to blog it without being a navel-gazing self-obsessed loon. Well, without being more of a navel-gazing self-obsessed loon. Anyhoodles, I can't figure out if Ariel Sharon is an awesome old man like Gandalf the White or a really-bad-crazy old man like Bilbo Baggins. It can be hard to tell, in the holy land. When Al-Jazeera is talking about your "bold gamble," you're either visionary or crazy. One CAN be BOTH visionary and crazy. See many of the books of the Old Testament. - GUY Peretz says he doesn't want to catch Likud "with their pants down." You can bet NO ONE wants to see Sharon with his pants down; bad enough with his pants up. - UT nudity supporter Sharon is a ruthless bastard; not quite as vicious and nasty as Dick Cheney, but reasonably close. Can't fault him for an unwillingness to take risks however. - UT IsraeliPost a Comment |