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Thursday, September 29, 2005
The Washington Post reports on Roy Blunt: Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.
Blunt and DeLay are fundraising powerhouses. Their political organizations use multiple fundraising committees, have rewarded family members and have provided an avenue to riches for former aides now in the private sector. ![]() Wednesday, September 28, 2005
![]() Anyway, the new guy, Roy Blunt, doesn't yet have a "look what a John Roberts-esque guy this is!" story up anywhere yet, but his official website touts his close loyalty to the administration (he was on Bush 2000's exploratory committee and the campaign's liaison to the House of Representatives) and his ability to "work through the night" to fight for Bush's stupid tax cuts. Oh, and trade promotion is big on his website. One other difference from Dreier. Blunt is married with kids. Jews
An interesting article in The New York Observer.
The average American Jew would rather be blown up in a pizza parlor than shake hands with [uber-conservative, pro-Israel evangelicals]. But here we are, and I don't see it changing anytime soon.I'd rather shake Pat Robertson's hand than diebut have him and his ilk as my staunchest allies? At the very least, it's a hint that something's out of whack. Kakistocracy©
![]() About bloody time. Yeah, yeah, Washington is filled with corrupt politicians, on both sides of the aisle, and so on. [Insert rant about how politics is a dirty business here.] That doesn't make it any less satisfying to see a truly deserving man get savaged. Pass the popcorn. Okay, moving on, the Washington Post is covering DeLay's replacement, Representative David Dreier of California. The go-to blog for California politics, Phoblographer noted Dreier's appointment, but only to note that he apparently went to a good college. Keep reading for the sure-to-be-forthcoming profile on the man. While we wait for the final word from Christiana, I'd like to note the striking similarity, at first brush, between Dreier and soon-to-be-Chief Justice John Roberts. The Washington Post describes Dreier thus: Skilled at one-on-one politics _ he seems never to forget a name _ Dreier maintains a reliably conservative voting record on economic issues and follows the lead of Republican leaders. He never comes off as extreme. ... Dreier has a more moderate voting record on some social issues than DeLay, for example opposing a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage that DeLay supported. He is a frequent face on television talk shows, particularly after serving as one of Arnold Schwarzenegger's top supporters when the actor ran for governor in 2003. ![]() A few reasons, of course. First is that the Republicans are the party in power now, and have been for a while, and "things are going well, stick with us" doesn't lend itself to the revolutionary spirit. Secondly, and paradoxally, is the fact that Republicans in general and the President in specific are in a weakened position compared to six months ago. Their policies and their governance have little support in the opinion polls. In the '05 and '06 elections, they really have little they can gain and much they can use. (Quilly's "60 in '06" slogan had a very short half-life.) I'm not surprised that the GOP has concluded that a non-abrasive image is what's needed now. I hope that it won't work, of course, but it's probably what I'd try in their place. In any case, they'll at least win the first skirmish in this particular battle. Dreier will certainly come off as genial, charming, and smart enough to most people. That paragraph I quoted is the brief, heavily edited version of the Washington Post's short introduction. In other words: it's exactly what'll get played on the cable networks and evening news. (I hate television. I hate it without pity.) It's not like there's all that much more in the articles. The Post, for example, includes this sentence: "A native of Kansas City, Mo., Dreier is unmarried." That's an exceedingly boring sentence that has no meaning, except perhaps a veiled one. I'll ask around. Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Some News-Type Stuff
Just got back from my first massive, four-hour staff meeting. They're not as bad as Dilbert would have you believe. But they're not nearly as funny, either.
Today I'm going to indulge in "blogger news round-up," which is when a blogger simply quotes a few news stories and adds a couple of observations of dubious value. I normally eschew this as tacky, but it's my birthdayseriouslyso what the hell? ![]() So for those of you keeping score, Sheehan has to deal with a fine of less than a hundred bucks and Karl Rove has to deal with video of Sheehan being dragged away in handcuffs. Sheehan's promised not to pay the fine, though I'm not sure if the Novemeber 16th court date fits into the news cycle as well as she'd like. An aside about the protests: They were quite large, and the best reporting on them so far can be found all over OxBlog the last couple days. I missed the large part of them because my boyfriend was absolutely terrified of what would happen if his father would do if he saw the protests. (Mr. C. got a kick out of it, of course, and took some photos of his girlfriend carrying a "Fire the Liar" sign that he could threaten to show all their friends.) Also, I got a bit distracted when we ran across something much better than the protests on the mall. I missed getting Neil Gaiman to sign his new book for me by five minutes. Damn! Oh, well, he was probably at the protests with David Brooks and R.L. Stine. And Lynn Cheney in disguise. This motorcycle was parked on Pennsylvania Avenue and 14th Street. If the wind had been a bit better, I'd have gotten the Capitol in the background. ![]() I'm a bit surprised Bill Frist's stock shenanigans made the front page of today's Washington Post. (Oh, the front page of the New York Times as well.) As recently as yesterday, it was getting practically no play at all. Well, hey, it's almost the exact same thing Martha did, and the majority leader isn't a woman, so I didn't expect anyone would care. It still might fizzle out, but I'm hoping for fireworks. Finally, here's the quote of the week, from Michael Brown's testimony to congress: It is inherently impractical, totally impractical, for the federal government to respond to every disaster of whatever size in every community across the country.Ugh. Monday, September 26, 2005
Monday Morning
This Guardian story speaks for itself:
Armed dolphins, trained by the US military to shoot terrorists and pinpoint spies underwater, may be missing in the Gulf of Mexico. Friday, September 23, 2005
Imperial City Dispatch©
A big part of most of my favorite blogs is their locality. Phoblographer blogs on California in general and her hometown of San Pedro in specific. Democracy Guy blogs on Cleveland, Ohio and his old stomping grounds in Eastern Europe. And OxBlog, while not as local as the rest, definitely has some anglophile tendencies.
When I read blogs that aren't specific to one place or another, it's either because they bring something special to the debate (Democracy Arsenal, for example, brings the foreign policy heavyweight title; Noam Schieber and the other folks at TNR's blog are the smart liberals here at home) or because they're funny as all hell. While I occasionally try to keep up with Salt Lake City in my Hickville Dispatch© posts, I don't have much local flavor. Hard to do when you live in a city that defines itself by being the representation of otherplacess politics. This week, though, the local indie rag, Washington's City Paper, has a story that's both illuminating about D.C. politics and has a bit of a Utah connection, so I really must cover it. From City Paper: D.C. Shadow Rep. Ray Browne sometimes has a hard time getting noticed.That's a bigger deal than you think. DC politics are pretty hard core, and the scandals the local DC politicos get themselves into make their big cousins on the Hill look like amateurs. Just ask Marion Barryhe's on the city council, so his number is probably online. And this year's face for mayor promises to be a roller-coaster. ![]() Recently, Norton tussled with Texas Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison when Hutchison attempted to repeal Washington, DC's gun ban. In the District, those sort of antics rub people the wrong way. Why, we think, do these people from Texas think they can come here and screw with our city? While Hutchison may see it as a second-amendment issue, even pro-gun District residents see it as an issue of District sovereignty. ... One of the downsides of Blogging at work is that I have to start and stop often enough that there's a danger I'll completely lose my place. I have utterly forgotten what my point was with this post, if there was one. I suppose I wanted to get a little more "here's what's happening in DC" stuff on the blog. Well, I'm going to finish this post, for spite's sake, no matter how random or pointless it ends up being. Holmes Norton doesn't support Tom Davis' bill because she's already got a bill, sponsored in the Senate by Joe Leiberman, to give DC full representationtwo senators and a representative, just like Delaware or South Dakota. Davis' bill only gives the District a representative: The D.C. Fairness in Representation Act would temporarily expand the House by two seats, to 437 members. One seat would be added for the District; Utah would get the other. (Utah leaders have argued that they were cheated out of a fourth seat because of undercounting during the 2000 census.) Under Davis' bill, the U.S. House would roll back to 435 members for the 2012 election. D.C. would keep a seat, and the 2010 census would dictate congressional re-apportionment in the rest of the country.I predict Norton will eventually settle for supporting Davis' bill. Any improvement is better than what we're stuck with now. As an aside, someone like current Mayor Anthony Williams or various council members would find the DC Rep's job more attractive if it came with actual voting power. And Barry could get a lot of votes simply from people who know they'll get some free entertainment. Me, I'd vote for him on the admittedly small chance it would make Orrin Hatch's head explode. Worth the gamble, in my opinion. Oh, speaking of Marion Barry's entertainment value, he's just purchased a used Jaguar: It has a dent in the driver's-side front fender and another on the passenger side. The rear passenger-side door features large scrape and a dent. "I can't afford a new one," Barry says, but he reminds LL that he has now joined an exclusive council caucus: Cropp and At-Large Councilmember Carol Schwartz are also Jag owners. "Maybe it's time to start a used-Jaguar club," Barry says. The new ride must have Barry feeling pretty important. While he chaired a Sept. 17 hearing on vocational education at the John A. Wilson Building, his Jag was parked in the area reserved for the mayor's motorcade. Four straw hats in the back window were the only permits on display. The Bunny
A little housekeeping today. You may notice the addition of the Bunny of Edwardian Doom. We think bringing the Bunny aboard is a step in the right direction for our site, and that the Bunny will continue the tradition of insightful and thoughtful commentary* we have here. Click here to learn a bit more about the Bunny.
We've also revamped our About section. Enjoy! *Thoughtful and insightful not guaranteed. Thursday, September 22, 2005
The Moor of Vulcan
So, now that I have my very own url (and a very appropriate one for me, at that) and a nifty design I made all by myself, I feel a strange obligation to actually be some sort of credible blogger.
I'll try and resist, but just in case, I'm gonna take a day or two off to read this book from Reporters Without Borders. In addition to reading this, I'm also taking a few days to celebrate my 21st birthday, which is next Tuesday, for those of you of a mind to send cards, e-mail me. ![]() Well, anyone who's turning 21, obviously, so if you're in DC, drop me a line and I'll tell you where you can buy me a drink on Friday the 30th. Wednesday, September 21, 2005
What Is Guangzhou Rubber Group?
Is it the name of a cult anime show? Is it a company that makes cheap DVD players? Is it some sort of card game?
According to the Associated Press, it's none of the above: A rubber company in China has begun marketing condoms under the brand names Clinton and Lewinsky.Heh. Here's a primitive photoshop of a Clinton-Gore '96 poster. ![]() Tuesday, September 20, 2005
London, Ontario
Dude, why all the satire the last couple of days? I mean, sure, it's funny and all, but InappropriateContent is a place for serious discussion of the issues! What's with the change of pace?
Two answers. First, it's easy and I'm lazy. I took an early-morning flight into National yesterday and discovered that I can actually get from Detroit to my office faster than I can get from the dorm to my office. However, large quantities of espresso are prohibitively expensive at airport prices, so I spent most of the morning wandering around the office in a half-conscious dazea condition that apparently induces accurate-yet-angry satirical broadsides at the shallowness of network morning shows. The evidence suggests I don't like Matt Lauer very much. Second, it's just getting harder to take this administration seriously at all anymore. Click here to read a presidential proclamation declaring that reconstruction of the Gulf Coast requires suspension of the minimum wage for construction workers, and enacting such a suspension. Government of, by, and for the people who sign the paychecks, eh? Blech. ![]() My sister does a very good job of it, as you can see: ![]() ![]() In conclusion, a cheap, greasy all-you-can-eat buffet is still a cheap, greasy all-you-can-eat buffeteven in London, Ontario. Monday, September 19, 2005
The Good Morning Today Show
The network morning shows cover the German election:
CHUCK: That's one heck of a squirrel, Janey! Today in the world, an election with eerie similarities to the 2000 election...but in Europe! Wednesday, September 14, 2005
John Roberts
Excerpts from the transcripts of John Robert's confirmation hearings, September 14th, 2005:
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
This section of the popular classified/job/personals site craigslist is the reason I haven't posted, or read news, or done any work at all today.
It smells exactly like Iocane powder, a deadly and completely odorless poison...Who needs news? Monday, September 12, 2005
Good News
This report from Reuters brought a little cheer to my morning.
[French Quarter strip joint] Big Daddy's general manager, Saint Jones, and a band of helpers defied an evacuation order by arriving to clean up their premises in the historic French Quarter, which escaped largely unscathed from the floods.Good luck to him, eh? 50 in 05©
![]() 1602 By Neil Gaiman The year is 1602. Queen Elizabeth is an old woman, watching as strange things begin to happen in her court, her country, and her world. Things that bear a startling similarity to the things that happened in the Marvel Universe. Gee-whiz, we're supposed to think. There's Dr. Strange, the Queen's new court physician. There's Otto Von Doom, literally a count in a castle. There's Magneto, as the High Inquisitor in charge of burning mutantsI mean, witchbloods. Xavier is now Javier, heh, heh. And your friendly neighborhood Spiderman? Peter Parquerh. That's right, Parquerh. I am not making this up. ![]() It's entertaining enough, and more importantly, it's worth reading a trade paperback to see the words "Captain America fights the President-For-Life" written without irony. ![]() Losing America By Sen. Robert C. Byrd When lefties make fun of President Bush's youthful indiscretions (a useful phrase that can cover everything from sneaking into an R-rated move to dealing cocaine) the President's supporters can turn around and say, "So the President was in a frat, big deal! Robert Byrd was in the Ku Klux Klan!" And they have a point. Both George W. Bush and Robert C. Byrd have pasts they are rightly ashamed of. Neither can be respected without admitting that stupid young men do grow out of it and mature. The difference, of course, is that while George W. Bush has matured from a college frat boy into a man with the mindset, intelligence, and class of a mildly successful used car salesman, Robert C. Byrd has matured into something of a statesman. Certainly he is aging with a bit more dignity than Zell Miller. History will look on Senator Byrd rather more kindly than the late Strom Thurmond, whose record as longest-serving senator Byrd may well live long enough to break. Byrd slides between two separate styles in his book. Most of the time, he tries to be one of the great Roman statesmen, with much talk of institutions and constitutions, and the occasional biblical reference for garnish. Critics dismiss Byrd because he is pretending to be a great statesman, but what his critics don't mention is that he does quite a good job with his act. (Of course his critics are often cable network pundits who can barely impersonate themselves, let alone Cato. That's right, Bill, I mean you.) At the risk of falling victim to the soft bigotry of low expectations, it's frankly so thrilling we still have a senator capable of writing an entire book that complaining he's not as good as Marcus Aurelius is just whiny. And no, Byrd did not use a ghost writer. Then again, neither did Rick Santorum. In the end, though, it's not the highfalutin stuff that's the most interesting. Now and again, Byrd slips from Roman Senator to U.S. Senator; he begins speaking in congressional short-hand, a mix of copious statistics, DC jargon, and personal anecdote that is a very good reflection of the sausage-making aspects of lawmaking. This is the fascinating part of the book, and it's also where the books most important insight is from: Byrd's dislike of the President isn't personal; he's not a Bush-hater. At their root, Byrd the Statesman's complaints that the Bush administration doesn't respect the historic authority and constutional role of the Senate isn't the real source of his animosity. Really, it's Byrd the Appropriations Master's gut-level disgust at Bush's incompetence. A badly planned war, bungling the creation of DHS, deficit spending, tapping the Social Security trust, massive regressive tax cutsall these things that so often seem like just the talking points of people who hate the Presidentwell, they actually mean something to a man who's been a United States Senator for half a century. And they should mean something to the rest of us, too. Saturday, September 10, 2005
1000 Words©
Look, it's that damned British media, being biased again. Bless 'em.
In any case, my recent lack of posting is due entirely to the Earth. No, not the planet, Google Earth, which is quite possibly the coolest thing, well, ever. Wednesday, September 07, 2005
A few days ago, a friend of the BF described Katrina as "the first time in my lifetime that the US Government has utterly and completely failed it's citizens." A couple of the latest exhibits on display in the carnival of horrors:
The Salt Lake Tribune As New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin pleaded on national television for firefighters - his own are exhausted after working around the clock for a week - a battalion of highly trained men and women sat idle Sunday in a muggy Sheraton Hotel conference room in Atlanta.If someone should be revisiting their commitment, maybe FEMA should be revisiting their commitment to help people who get hit by a hurricane! How about this one: Yesterday CNN interviewed some students at Duke University who heard about the problems at the convention center, drove down, and evacuated seven peopletwo days before the government evacuated anyone. CNN M. O'BRIEN:So, off you go to the National Guard checkpoint. You brandish your credentials. I say credentials like this [O'brien does air-quotes: the students had photoshopped press credentials]. And the next thing you know you're there. How long did it take you to get to the Convention Center?We'd all love an explanation for that one. Oh, no, waitHouse Majority Leader Tom DeLay cancelled congressional hearings on Katrina and FEMA head Micheal Brown to "convey a positive image of disaster operations to government officials, community organizations and the general public"; Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee has joined the line of people won't criticize the administration ("It's a short line," he adds); and Powerline's John Hinderaker calls reporting of these disasters "the worst instance yet of media bias." Well, excuse me for "playing the blame game," but any agency that sends 1,000 fire-fighterssearch-and-rescue certified, haz-mat certified and paramedic certified fire-fightersto community relations training one week after the entire Gulf Coast is decimated has fucked up beyond all forgiveness; any President who staffs the Federal Emergency Management Agency with a Director, a Chief of Staff, and a Deputy Chief of Staff who have, between them, collectively, precisely zero experience in emergency management has fucked up; and anyone who calls criticism of said agency and President "a disgrace" is absolutely, utterly bat-shit insane and can go to hell. M. O'BRIEN: Many of those buses you say were empty?Fuck. Gloria!
I received this in my mailbox yesterday. From my boyfriend, though I suspect Donnie (Rumsfeld, not Osmond) has something surprisingly similar.
President Arroyo wishes to thank you for your support during the recent sane and legal attempt to impeach her and would dearly like to see you on her upcoming visit to New York City. Tuesday, September 06, 2005
Hickville Dispatch©
![]() Unlike the Kansas School Board, which earlier this summer approved allowing educators to teach theories in addition to evolution that explain life on Earth, the Utah Board of Education on Friday unanimously approved a position statement supporting the continued exclusive teaching of evolution in state classrooms.So a hearty congratulations are in order for the Utah Board of Education. Testifying in the cause of science were scientists and teachers from a variety of disciplines; most impressively, faculty from the rival schools at the University of Utah and Brigham Young University put aside their differences to testify in favor of evolution. BYU biology professor Duane Jeffery compared intelligent design to astrology, and U of U bioengineering professor Gregory Clark boiled down the scientists effectively: "Invoking the supernatural can explain anything, and hence explains nothing." ![]() "I realize that is a dramatic statement, so to be clear, let me restate: There is zero scientific fossil evidence that demonstrates organic evolutionary linkage between primates and man." During the fight last year over Utah's anti-gay marriage amendment, Sen. Buttars complained when the Attorney General admitted the amendment could affect common law marriages. Buttars didn't buy such argument because, as he put it, "there is no common law marriage in Utah." Buttars had previously worked with the same Attorney General, Mark Shurtleff, on SB175, a bill to help corrupt cops steal the property of people without bothering to charge them with a crime first. ![]() "SETI is an attempt to identify intelligent design in radio signals from outer space, signals with an intelligent origin rather than a natural origin," [Luskin] said. "If we can try to detect intelligent design in signals we receive from outer space, why can't we detect intelligent design in genetic codes we see in biology?"Ow. As Marvin would say, "My brain!" Buttars intends to introduce legislation or a ballot initiative to over-rule the school board, and "issue legislation" is a persistent problem in the Utah legislature, so there's no chance we've seen the last of this craziness. For now, though, let's toast a victory for the good guys. Sunday, September 04, 2005
A Thought Exercise
Which of the following frightens you the least?
NEW ORLEANS - The last bedraggled refugees were rescued from the Superdome on Saturday and the convention center was all but cleared, leaving the heart of New Orleans to the dead and dying.Fuck Touring the airport triage center, Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, R-Tenn., a physician, said "a lot more than eight to 10 people are dying a day."Frist's comment is apparently in reference to the number of people dying each day in Iraq, making it a comment that is both insensitive and inane. Oh, also crazy. Also, Bush gets two. Double fuck. Saturday, September 03, 2005
It's up. All the good stuff.
Friday, September 02, 2005
![]() Katrina
My last post may have been a bit rant-ish, but I have reason to be angry. This is what was was on the front page of the paper today:
![]() Should we be playing politics while New Orleans simultaniously drowns and burns? I was going to say, "No, we should be calm, we should focus on the people who are suffering." Then I read this, from CNN last night: Michael Brown, director of FEMA: People who were unable or chose not to evacuate are suddenly appearing. And so this catastrophic disaster continues to grow. I will tell you this, though, every person in that convention center, we just learned about that today and so I have directed that we have all the available resources to get to that convention center to make sure that they have the food and water, the medical care that they need.And this: During President Bush's first term, Army Corps of Engineers Chief Michael Parker kept pushing for massive, costly refurbishing of the flood-controlling pumping system in Louisiana's portions of the lower Mississippi River. Bush fired him.And this: In its [2004] budget, the Bush administration also had proposed a significant reduction in funding for southeast Louisiana's chief hurricane protection project. Bush proposed $10.4 million, one-sixth of what local officials say they need.And to top it all off, the Administration complains about anyone who criticizes the preparation for or response to Katrina ("I hope people don't play politics," says the President, while an aide calls criticism "despicable and wrong") at the same time they use Katrina as cover to slip in a controversial recess appointment. It's bullshit, and there's nothing wrong with calling it bullshit. 1000 Words©
My aunt sent me a few more pictures from the recent trip to Salt Lake:
In any case, to respond to repeated comments, I am working on a new blogroll. I won't get it up over the weekend, though: I'm working Saturday and on Labor Day, which sounds bad, except for two things. First, I get paid double, and second, I get paid double. |